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Squadron13-Deployed homepage

Bookmark this page to follow the adventures of the Squadron13-Deployed team as they support and defend the Constitution of the United States, a task they have sworn to carry out as former members of the United States Armed Forces. Dedicated to peaceful and non-violent resistance, these former military personnel work hard AND have fun confronting the injustices being levied on the American people by corrupt law and policy makers.

Some of the Political Actions we've been involved in
descending order by date...

Follow Squadron13 here on http://squadron13.ning.com/

other actions from our past:


November 17th & 18th, 2008
Energy to Die For - GNEP EIS hearings
Squadron13 goes to Hanford and Hood River AGAIN, to speak out against the Department of Energy's plan to ship highly radioactive waste through our highways and railways.
March 5 through March 25
Winter Soldier Coast to Coast Tour
Squadron13 goes to Washington D.C. to support IVAW and the Winter Soldier Investigation II. 
January 11, 2008
Rebooting Democracy in Portland
Squadron13 shows up to greet Democrat Earl Blumenaur and says "REBOOT the WhiteHouse, Control, Alt, IMPEACH!!!
October 27, 2007
Regional March in Seattle
Squadron13 attends the regional march in Seattle and gets an experience "unique" from what our fellow peace marchers got.
August 8, 2007
Benton Country Republican Picnic
Squadron13 visits Benton County Republicans at their picnic (pictures and story not posted yet)
June 16, 2007
Issuance of Arrest Warrant for Bush/Cheney
From City Hall in Newport Oregon, Squadron13 crew issues a warrant for a Citizens Arrest of Bush and Cheney.
YouTube Video
July 2007
Delegate to Cuba
VeteransForPeace sends message to the Cuban people with Associate  member Peter Chabarek.
(sorry - pictures and story not posted yet)
May 26, 2007 
Memorial Day at the mall
Veterans go "shopping" at the mall and test limits of free speech. (sorry - pictures and story not posted yet)
May 5, 2007
Rejected from Newport Oregon "Loyalty Days Parade"
What started out to be a run of the mill participation in a parade exploded into a full blown controversy and our most successful political trip at that time.
(Pictures and story)
March 26, 2007
The Curse of GNEP
Gordon, Jack and crew go to Hood River, Oregon to speak out against the fallacy of a nuclear future.
(Pictures and story)

   (no pictures this trip) 
March, 2007
To Hell and Back
Squadron13 goes to Hanford, Washington, the heart of Nuke Land to speak out against the DOE plan to turn the Pacific Northwest into the worlds nuclear waste dump. 
Editorial by Dr. Jack Dresser.


February 5, 2007
1LT Ehren Watada's "Kangaroo Court" Support Rally
Many hundreds of pro-peace supporters converge on Fort Lewis, Washington to show their support for 1LT Watada during his first trial.
(pictures only)
January 3, 2007
Camp Resistance
Squadron13 makes its first political trip with IVAW-deployed Vets on a two bus convoy to Fort Lewis in support of 1LT Ehren Watada at his pre-trial.
(three web pages of pictures and story)
November 7, 2006
Our Very First Trip
Gordon and Jack go to pick up the "Spirit of Garberville" from the VFP Chapter in Garberville, California, and rescue a cat "Redwood" on the way back.
(Pictures and story)


Read this technical performance and handling characteristics of the center engine Gillig vs. the rear engine version by Chief Engineer Patrick Young.
See Squadron13's super secret weapon, the M1A1 Event Recorder in action YouTube Video here

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